SS  Richard Montgomery Matter

                                                    The wreck DVD

Beneath the waves is the wreck of the American Liberty Ship SS Richard Montgomery which lays 200 yards from a busy shipping lane and less than a mile from the beaches of Sheerness & Minster on the Isle of Sheppey.

The SS Richard Montgomery's
cargo contains over 1400 tons of wartime bombs waiting to explode.
The wreck DVD

 The SS Richard Montgomery story is told in this two chapter historic DVD.
Featuring recent underwater images of the stricken vessel together with official and public reaction.
The wreck DVD case

'A Disaster Waiting to Happen'

Narrated by Simon Ward

Produced and Directed by Ken Rowles

'The Doomsday Ship'

Photo-Animated & Produced by Historian Colin Harvey

DVD £12 plus £2.00 p&p 

To order Telephone 01795425874
And more information about the contents of the DVD.



Fun files and pictures

Movie clips

Free MID polyphonic Ringtones for mobile phones to download

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For information about the wreck and the danger it presents to the public.

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